
Monday, January 25, 2010

You can help

I'm sure everyone is aware of the tragedies that happened in Haiti and Jos. If you live in Lagos and you would like to help the victims, you can. I know some people may be wondering how they can help so here is a little information for you.

To help victims in Haiti, go to Bella Naija
To help victims in Jos go to Naija Blog

And also remember to pray for them. Prayer works.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How much do you spend on your hair

Happy New Year readers!!

Wow! It's 2010. Thanks to God for a new year and I pray that this year will be a blessed and wonderful year for you.

Well, I was balancing my cheque book for 2009 and I decided to calculate how much money I spent on my hair last year. I discovered that I spent below a hundred dollars. That shows that natural hair can be really inexpensive to take care of. (And I guess the fact that it is really inexpensive to get your hair done in Nigeria helps as well)

So if you are not natural yet and you need one more incentive to go natural then this is it: "Go natural and keep more money in your pockets... LOL.

I think some of the things that helped to keep my haircare costs down include:
1.) Finding what works for my hair and sticking with it instead of experimenting with every new hair product.
2.) Learning how to style my hair myself. I can basically create different types of hairstyles and looks so I don't need to go to the hair dresser often.

The pictures below show how my hair looked over the holiday.

Once again happy new year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

A new year is a good time to gauge where you are versus where you want (hoped) to be. I bet many have been stressing over what they did not do and what they could have done in the past year. Here is my take on it all:

1) Thank God. Count your blessings because I am sure you have some things you are happy about. Maintain an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude to God.

2) Give yourself a break. Sure you did not do all you planned - get over it and move on! You have another chance. Be thankful for that! ;>)

3) Set REALISTIC GOALS for the new year. Don't have new year resolutions because once the year gets old, those resolutions go down the drain (usually takes about a month)! Set life goals. For example instead of planning to go to the gym every day, plan to go 3 times a day or better still plan to get "active and healthy". That way you've got some grace to miss up to 4 days!

4) Humble yourself and be accountable to someone or some people. You cannot do it alone and that is a fact. Ask people to hold you accountable for your life goals. It helps to motivate you when you know you have to answer to someone else.

5) Serve other people. It is not just about you. There are so many gifts and talents you have that will bless and be of benefit to other people. And I bet there is someone near you, that God has set up, waiting to be blessed by no one else but you.

6) Do one thing new for yourself in 2010. Just one thing. You will remember it for a long time. It will delight you especially when you are having a tough time.

7) Trust God. God loves you and His love for you is deep, wide, long and very BIG.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11). This is true - believe it!

So go on and have a thankful, trusting, giving, selfless, humble, realistic, graceful new year!

Omozo & O'Naturals