I wanted to do an interview of Shay because her style is so FRESH! Her hair always looks lovely no matter what hairstyle she is rocking. Shay is a working woman who carries her natural hair in its naturalness to work. Thank you for doing this interview Shay. Enjoy the interview!

Name : Shay ( Sharon) Brown
Where are you from: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
What do you do? I work at R.I.M Research In Motion as a New Product Operator
At One Time did you have relaxed hair? And why did you decide to go Natural?
When I was about 8, I begged my Mom to straighten my hair. I used to cry every time my Mom came near my hair with a comb! Many women around me (including my Mom) had "relaxed hair". I thought it was a right of passage - that it was just what every black woman did, either that or a Jerry Curl! I rarely saw black women "keeping it natural."
It wasn't until I was 22, that I really started to get sick and tired of the relaxed hair routine. The BURN was killing my scalp! I had to relax my hair every 4-6 weeks because the middle of my hair would get so tough. I had a short cut so I had to style it ( with a curling iron), almost every day.I tried to go natural twice, before finally succeeding. I just didn't know what I was doing the first time. I made the mistake of treating my natural hair like it was relaxed. Thank God for my natural hair Mentor, who helped me a lot on my journey.
It wasn't until I was 22, that I really started to get sick and tired of the relaxed hair routine. The BURN was killing my scalp! I had to relax my hair every 4-6 weeks because the middle of my hair would get so tough. I had a short cut so I had to style it ( with a curling iron), almost every day.I tried to go natural twice, before finally succeeding. I just didn't know what I was doing the first time. I made the mistake of treating my natural hair like it was relaxed. Thank God for my natural hair Mentor, who helped me a lot on my journey.
How did you go natural?
When my relaxed hair started to break badly ( in the middle especially), I started to get weaves. I wanted to keep some length so I transitioned for about 3 months. After taking out a weave one time, I just decided to do the Big Chop! I thought I could sport the TWA. Then when I saw it, I got so nervous and insecure, so I called up my hairdresser for an emergency weave the next day! *LOL*
Did you have anyone help or encourage you?
A family friend, Cecile, really helped me along the way. She had been natural for about 5 years and I was so jealous of her curls and amazing hair styles. I never thought that my natural hair could look like hers. She gave me a lot of tips and products. She also encouraged me to go online, and do my own research, and figure out what works for me.
A family friend, Cecile, really helped me along the way. She had been natural for about 5 years and I was so jealous of her curls and amazing hair styles. I never thought that my natural hair could look like hers. She gave me a lot of tips and products. She also encouraged me to go online, and do my own research, and figure out what works for me.
What is your daily hair regimen?
I do a conditioner wash about once a week. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture, with natural products and oils. I have problems with breakage and dryness. I like to wear my hair in protective styles like extentions or twists, and a ponytail. I do like to sport my Full Fro every once in a while though!
Negative comments?
My mom doesn't like my "Nappy Hair". Although she agrees that relaxed hair is not healthy for me, she just prefers that I wear my hair in extentions and weaves all the time. I just respond by saying, "I like and I feel very comfortable with my natural hair, and I am sorry that you don't!"
My mom doesn't like my "Nappy Hair". Although she agrees that relaxed hair is not healthy for me, she just prefers that I wear my hair in extentions and weaves all the time. I just respond by saying, "I like and I feel very comfortable with my natural hair, and I am sorry that you don't!"
No one else has said anything negative to me ( I hope they aren't thinking it)!
Do you feel awkward about wearing your natural hair to work?
Not at all! I work in a relaxed environment. I don't work with the public, or in a corporate field... if I did, I would probably feel different about wearing my hair in a fro.
Not at all! I work in a relaxed environment. I don't work with the public, or in a corporate field... if I did, I would probably feel different about wearing my hair in a fro.
What do you like best about your natural hair?
NO MORE BURN! And I don't have to rely on hairdressers as much. I am able to do a lot of styles on my own. I am also not afraid of the rain :) *LOL!*
NO MORE BURN! And I don't have to rely on hairdressers as much. I am able to do a lot of styles on my own. I am also not afraid of the rain :) *LOL!*

What do you say to people who want to go natural?
JUST DO IT! Find a natural support group and go online to do some research. Find some natural hair pictures that inspire you!
There you have it friends.
Keep it natural!