
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All in one day daily hair regimen

For the love of my hair. O for the love of my hair! Sometimes I think that I am not taking proper care of my hair. You know? You think “I don’t condition enough” or “I don’t trim enough” or “I don’t moisturize enough”. We will never do anything enough so we should just resolve to do our best.

I have tried many hair regimens to grow my hair, soften my hair, make my hair shine and on and on. After all the attempts imaginable, I realized that I don’t like stress when it comes to my hair. I want to be able to get up and spend little time to get my hair ready for the day. As a result, my daily hair regimen is easy and not tedious for me.

This does not mean I never spend long periods just doing my hair. *drooling at the thought of pampering my hair* I’d say that on average, every 2 weeks, I’ll wash deep condition and really pamper my hair. I trim when necessary and moisturize the ends of my hair as often as I can. It is important that we don’t forget to moisturize the ends of our hair because that helps in preventing split ends.

In the morning, I usually use a leave-in conditioner and hair cream (either oil based or Shea butter) – those are my staples. I prefer Shea butter because a little goes a long way. Plus you can use Shea butter as a base and add essential oils for some spice and variety. I should stop now before I get carried away!Now when I have new twists I use the leave-in conditioner every other day or once in three days. This is so that I don’t have too much shrinkage in my hair by the end of the week due to the moisture. However, I use the hair cream on my scalp and hair daily. I find that using the hair cream regularly gives my hair some shine and keeps my hair soft.

When I am in Lagos Nigeria, I try not to use the Shea butter on my scalp. This is because I find that when I do, I itch like I am in an itching competition where I am trying to be the winner! Lagos is hot and humid and I think this is why the itching is magnified. When I am in Toronto Canada (which is where I live now) I use the Shea butter daily, especially on my scalp. Toronto is by far drier than Lagos and if I don’t moisturize frequently, my scalp gets so dry that it burns when I moisturize. Believe it!

After using the leave-in conditioner and hair cream, I use an old sterilized toothbrush to brush my hair line and I am ready to roll! That’s what I do daily and this takes less than 5 minutes. My aim is to keep it simple and stress free.

So let’s summarize: Spray, rub, brush and roll!


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