
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Introduction (A BIT LATE I KNOW).........

In June 2003 I decided to go totally natural. That being my hair. I made this decision with so much joy and fear. Being that I had made fun of people and ridiculed their natural hair decision. But I was ready to take it on. I did not start though until Jan 2004. So far it has been fantastic. I have had the most fun and in all honesty I see that I am vain about my hair and the sensation it creates when I do all sorts to it............

I decided to loc my hair in 2007 and that was even more fun. I was able to do all sorts in style and look very hip if I must say so myself. Then I made the decision to cut of the locs after my second baby. I had decided to go low and have the model look...........Now that did not work because I became lazy and had too much on my hands with my husband, 2 girls, work and church activities.................

So.........yes you guessed it!!!! I went back to getting my hair locked..............Now this is different and I have done quite a few things to my hair. I have dyed it RED!!!!! Which totally rocks and I have also experimented using hair clips and hair decor to give it the oohmpah that can only be me..............
I look forward to sharing my hair tips..............yes, natural and locked as well with everyone................

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