
Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello World,

We would like to welcome you to the O’Naturals blog. With so many blogs about natural hair care out there, I’m sure some of you are wondering what is going to make this blog unique. Well, our mission is to "feed your hair & spice up your life with nourishing goodness". We will share our knowledge about hair care with you and we’ll also discuss other topics such as family issues, career, finances, fashion, style e.t.c. We will be tackling many of these life issues from a godly perspective. That being said, this blog is dedicated to Jesus Christ.

This blog is made up of three regular contributors and here are our bios:

Oghomwen - I’m a writer, and video producer currently living, working and loving in Nigeria. You’ll usually see my posts under the name “Indigenous Productions”.

Omozo – I live and work, as a banker, in Canada. I guess after today, I can add "blogger" to my title. My posts will be under my name "Omozo".

Osa - I am a medical doctor, a wife and a mommy to two beautiful daughters, schooling and living in the UK. My posts will be under the name “Prof Mom”.

Regular blogging begins shortly. So sit back and enjoy. Please feel free to email us at, with questions, comments and thoughts.

Much love from,
The O’Naturals


  1. Lovin this blog!!!! Its amazing!! The information is just perfect. I need this. Maybe i just might go Natural!!! Good job Ladies!

  2. Awwww! Thanks oh. We dey try small, small
