
Saturday, September 19, 2009

These are a few of my fav things - Part 1

Let’s start from the very beginning because it is a very good place to start.

1) Shampoo & conditioner: I use any brand and more recently store brands. I especially look for shampoos and conditioners that target dry or dyed hair. This is because I find that they make my hair softer and condition more deeply than the regular shampoos and conditioner.

2) Deep conditioner / Cholesterol: I use Queen Helene cholesterol. I like it very much! I apply it to my hair after washing, put on a shower cap and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. Sometimes I keep it on overnight and other times I sit under the hair dryer (high heat) for 45 minutes. I deep condition about once every three weeks.

3) Baking soda: to clarify my hair. Clarifying treatment helps remove product build-up from the hair and hair shaft. I clarify once a month or once in six weeks. I mix equal amounts of baking soda with equal amounts of shampoo. After clarifying, my hair feels like cotton. Seriously! It also enhances the results of deep conditioning. Try deep conditioning after clarifying.

4) Shea butter: Thank God for shea butter! I purchase the un-refined shea butter so that I can mix it up as I please. It is not too heavy and does not sit on my hair but penetrates into the hair shaft. I get out my hand held whip and whip it up and it looks like whip cream. Honestly! Heat it up slightly before whipping it o! Sometimes (actually most times) I add essential oils like Rosemary, lavender, peppermint. I also add castor oil, honey and glycerin. I loooove my shea butter! (Off topic: Shea butter is also great for blocked sinuses, burns, cracked feet and dry elbows and knees and many other things).

5) Leave-in conditioner: Any will do really. Leave-in conditioner helps to keep my hair moisturized and soft. At this point I could go on (and I will ;>)) about how I enjoy using Carol’s daughter black vanilla leave-in conditioner and the results on my hair and the scent. Ooooo the scent! The first time I used it, people kept coming into my office to smell my hair. For real! I was not expecting that reaction at all. Needless to say, I buy this product when I can. I use it especially when I am going to a special occasion or meeting people for the first time. *snicker*

6) Hair oil or hair milk: Lisa’s hair elixir or Hair Milk by Carol’s daughter. I use either of these about twice a week for shine and some extra something for my hair.

There you have it friends! I’ll add another post talking about the other types of products I use.

Please add your comments on the blog site ( telling us about your favourite hair products. We really want to hear from you.


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