
Monday, October 12, 2009

My Girls and their natural hair

I have 2 lovely daughters......Samantha and Stephanie.  Samantha, the female version of Samuel, means God has hearkened. And Stephanie, the female version of Stephen, means crown. Lovely names!!!

My daughters have natural hair. Their hair regime is really simple. It’s imperative to know how your children react to weather. Some children sweat a lot even if all the sun does is to give us a peek of its golden rays while some do not sweat much. But remember kids will be kids...i.e. they must run, jump, fall, fight e.t.c. So regardless of anything they must sweat and get dirty.

If they tend to sweat a lot; for boys you have to wash the hair daily and you can keep it low. While with girls you have to wash weekly and do very simple styles such as single big braids or simple cornrows. With my daughters I wash their hair once in 2 weeks usually during their evening bath. I use a leave in conditioner and then comb it when the hair is damp. The following morning I use hair oil or very small amounts of Shea butter. These don’t leave any residue on their scalps.  For children hair products should be simple and mild nothing complicated.

Then I either braid or just weave. Instead of beads I use coloured rubber bands at the tips of their hair. I really like the beads but my daughters are small and they still put all sorts of stuff into their mouths. So I can just imagine when either one sees the coloured beads on their hair, that they are thinking ‘’oh my .........those look like sweets on my sister’s hair. I am sure she won’t mind if I take 1 or 2 and eat.......’’ Then I start hearing this gurgling noise and I am wondering what is it again? Then I am on my way to the nearest hospital for removal of a foreign ingested object or the same in her nose.....brrrrrrrr......scary!!!  Rubber bands and beads are ok accessories to use as decorations for hair. Try not to use them too much as they can put a strain on the hair. Sometimes it is okay to just let the hair be or use the usual hair clips. 

I know some of you will be wondering what if my daughters’ hair is like Olumo rock i.e. tough/strong/difficult to comb. You could finger comb the hair when damp. Perhaps even not combing the hair with a comb - try using a brush (when damp) like the Denman described in the products article or even sectioning the hair with the fingers and putting the hair in twists. We really don't have to comb our hair all the time. I know many of you will revolt when I say this..........but why not just keep your daughter’s hair low until she’s older. I can assure you between ages 0 - 5/6 years children are not really looking to surpass their fellow companion on the looks''O''meter.......they are more about having fun........So keep the fun rolling and less on their looks........

Would really like to know any more insider gist from you mothers on your children’s hair male and female alike.

Prof Mom.

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