
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Omozo's "Home done" curly-doo

This is the follow-up to the post on Lauren’s Curly-Doo. My hair texture is much different from Lauren’s and I wanted to see what my hair would look like after my home done Curly-Doo. Keina, the hairdresser at Curl Ambassadors, suggested I twist my hair with the curling custard since my hair texture is different from Lauren’s. I decided to use the shampoo I have at home (it is a store brand shampoo). I was also overdue for a deep conditioning treatment and added that to the process. Here is how I did my Curly-Doo at home.

1) Clarifying wash using baking soda and store brand shampoo. Mix shampoo with equal amount of baking soda and apply to wet hair. I washed twice.

2) Section hair and apply the deep conditioner (Queen Helene Cholesterol) to each section. I applied the conditioner from ends to roots with focus on my ends. I combed through, placed a plastic bag over my head for about 45 minutes with an additional 5 minutes under the dryer (medium heat). I washed out the conditioner and did not dry my hair and left it soaking wet.

3) Section hair and apply the Knot-today leave-in conditioner to each section. Again my focus was on the ends of my hair.

3) Apply the Kinky-Curly Curling Custard. I applied the product to each section of hair that I twisted. Twisting took me about 1 hour because I made bigger twists than I usually do.

4) I used a regular towel to mop up excess curling custard and sat under the dryer (medium heat) for about 20 minutes. I decided to let my hair air dry overnight.

I think the process (washing, deep conditioning, applying leave-in conditioner, twisting while applying the curling custard and drying the hair) took me about 3 hours.

After taking out the twists the next morning, I noticed better definition to my twists compared to when I use only shea butter to twist. It had some shine also. I did not notice any excess product on my hair. I put some shea butter on my scalp. I also applied some Carol’s Daughter Tui Hair Oil to my strands. My hair did not feel hard at all which was great! I still had some elasticity and there was no stiffness to my hair. I like the result of the process and products and I will definitely do it again. The only thing I would do differently is make the twists smaller.

During the week, for maintenance, I spray a moderate amount of leave-in conditioner and then apply the Tui hair oil to my hair. I also put some shea butter on my scalp every other day. Remember that these are products to help you manage your hair. Try this process out at home if you can or go to Curl Ambassadors for your own $15 Curly-Doo and let us know your own results.



  1. awesome I will start twisting my hair before putting in KKC cos I never get definitions like that yipee I learnt something new today thank you :)

  2. You are welcome Ms zee! You should put KKC on each section you twist. So, section the hair you want to twist then put KKC then twist. Voila! If you want, you can email pictures to us so that we can see your results.
