
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The head scarf

I confess that I have been in a hair slump for the last few weeks. In fact, I have been in an all round slump. I'll do a weekend post on how to manage those times in life when you generally feel "blah". You know those times when you are just going through the motions and nothing really seems exciting...

But anyway, back to hair. Since I have been been feeling so "blah" lately, I have generally stopped styling my hair. In fact, I have been wearing a scarf for weeks now. My dad asked me yesterday, why I was wearing a head scarf. If my dad noticed then it means I have been wearing a scarf for a long time.

Even though I have been wearing a scarf I have tried not to neglect my hair. I still try to wash weekly and moisturize my hair every other day. Now I have resulted to spraying my hair with a little water and moisturizing with Castor oil or shea butter. I am especially worried about the front of my hair because I wear cotton scarfs. So I make sure I spray water on the front of my hair morning and night and rub some castor oil or shea butter on it. When I had a satin bonnet I would wear the satin bonnet over my hair before wearing the cotton scarf.

And Nigerians are famous for the gele. Here is a picture of me wearing a gele I tied all by myself. I am so proud of me.

This youtube video helped me when I was learning how to tie a gele

And a shout out to one of my favorite actresses ever! Funlola Aofiyebi-Raimi. She often wears a head scarf.

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