
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

O'Naturally Nappy Canadians

The 2010 Winter Olympics have begun! Gooooooooooo Team Canada! I watched the opening ceremony last Friday and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

There were various highlights for me. One of the highlights was seeing Measha Breuggergosman sing the Olympic Hymn with one of the BADDEST afros I have ever seen on TV!. Wohooo! When she came on stage, I stood up and clapped for her afro. After she sang the song, I stood up and clapped some more for the afro and performance. Measha is a classical Soprano and honestly she is loved here in Canada. Check her out here.

The other highlight was seeing the Governor General of Canada, Michaelle Jean, arrive in the stadium with her own afro also. So cool. She looked really nice. I have seen pictures of her with straight hair. I am being objective when I say I prefer her with her nappy, natural kinky curls. *wink* She looks great in napps! You can also read about Ms. Jean here.

It is refreshing to see nappy, kinky, curly, natural hair on the international stage. I give these ladies (and all you natural haired ladies out there) kudos for wearing their hair natural.It is not always easy because there is still bias, and in some cases hostility, out there over our lovely kinks. Keep rocking your oh so lovely and oh so natural kinks, napps and coils!

Be inspired. Keep it O'Natural!



  1. I loveeeeeee Measha's hair!! Wow! I would love to wear a BA like that!!! Lovesssss it!

  2. I know! I kept looking at her hair when she was singing. You can get your hair like that. You will probably need a product with holding capabilities.
