
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't you wish?

I was rolling my hair with the plan to take out the rollers in the morning and presto a new hairstyle. When I was done, I looked at the mirror and thought “I wish I could take my hair like this to work tomorrow. Would it not be nice if I did not have to take out the rollers and just went to work with the rollers in my hair?” That was the thought! I was looking and thinking that my hair did not look too bad in the rollers. With the rollers still in, my hair kinda looked like the Flapper hairstyles of the 20s. I think.

So I took a picture of my 'rollers' with a suit on. I put in the bow for effect. 

What do you think? A “Yeah, way to go!” or a “H-E-Double hockey sticks no!”

Keep it natural!



  1. Wow, you put those rollers in so neatly! I've never been able to do that.
    Ok, I like the look for a funky evening indoors with some girlfriends but for work, it's a H to the double hockey stick, NO! Lol.
    Nice try, lady!

  2. Osayi "Blessed" EmokpaeAugust 24, 2011 at 10:10 AM

    hmm...I'm not sure about keeping the rollers in, but if you could take the rollers out without messing up the curls...that would be nice

  3. Keep the hair, ditch the rollers!I do the same for my locs and I end up with some nice curled up locs.
    Back to your hair, when you comb it out, do put up a picture. Love xx
