
Friday, September 9, 2011

From Yikes to Yeah! A Simple hairstyle change

I braided my hair in tiny braids last week and enjoyed it for a week. Entering this week found my itchy fingers taking out the little braids one at a time. Got to work on Tuesday and my hair was kinda 3/4 braid out and 1/4 braids. I knew I had a problem when:
1) My Niece said wide-eyed "Oh no! You did not finish your hair" and;
2) I got to work and people were asking why I took out my braids.

Curiosity led me to the bathroom where the mirror revealed the truth to me. YIKES! My hair was not exactly looking ... as nice as I 'thought' it did.

So, I decided to take out the remaining braids and change the hairstyle. Relax I did not sit at my desk at work to do this! I had to endure the rest of the day and started taking out the remaining braids in the car on my way home. For once I thought Lagos traffic was actually good for something. Hmmm. When I got home, all the braids were gone. I covered my hair with a satin scarf and went to bed.

The next morning, I sprayed my hair with a leave-in conditioner mixed with coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, glycerine and castor oil. This made the hair soft enough to detangle. I sectioned out a bit of hair from the front. Then I put the rest of the hair in a ponytail at the back and I used my Shea butter mix to smooth it out.

I put a little clip at the back of the hair I had sectioned from the front. I did this so that I could get a bit more height at the front.

Then I folded my hair to the back and pinned it with a hair jewel. I also pinned the back with the same hair jewel. All of this took less than 15 minutes to do. I checked it out in the mirror and thought YEAH much better!

Last night, I tied my hair down with my satin scarf and put on a slightly snug hair net so that the shape of the ponytail is maintained. And today I changed the front slightly by putting in a big side twist and holding it with a different hair jewel so today's height at the front is smaller than yesterday's own.

I am enjoying the hairstyle because it was so easy to do and especially because of the hailings I've been getting at work. I know, I know I need to get rid of those vain genes! But I love the compliments people I work with! ;)

Keep it natural!



  1. Love this look

  2. Osarogie Lizzy OkungbowaSeptember 13, 2011 at 12:07 AM

    Love this

  3. The style is boss! Very nice

  4. Lovely!! I'm so tempted to try but I'm not taking this shuku down for another 2weeks. After which, I would love to rock this for 1week.
    I shall have the patience to wait!! I hope...

  5. @Bass: You know we are going to ask you to send a picture when you do this style. Better still send both the shuku and up-do styles because we would love to feature them. Thanks for readng.
