
Monday, October 10, 2011

Guest Interview with Jumoke

One day Omozo and I had just finished Sunday service at Daystar and we both happened to be standing and chatting with another natural haired lady when Jumoke  and her beautiful locs passed by us. We just had to stare at her momentarily. A few seconds later, I chased after her to get her information. When I caught up with Jumoke and struck up a conversation about hair,  she was very friendly and open about her natural hair journey. And that's how we came to this interview. Allow me to present to you...  Olajumoke Alawode-James.

What do you do?
I am an entertainment practitioner. I organize events and I’m into media as a broadcast journalist.

When did you start your locs and why did you decide to loc your hair?
I started locking my hair in April 2004. My hair was getting damaged by relaxers and I wanted it to be full and long as it was before relaxing. I thought having locs was an easier way to maintain it natural.

How was the experience of locking? Were there times when it was difficult?
I loved it from the start. When it was shorter I had to go to the salon more often but later, once a month or even longer and my hair never ever smells. If I don’t re-lock in a few months though, the under-growth intertwines and joins and it becomes painful. It has never been difficult.

How did people react to your locs when you started locing?
It had become a new trend in 2004 with notable people having locs. I still got a few stares from people who just assumed it was some hairpiece. But when it became longer people could not understand why I wanted my hair like that “for the rest of my life”. Now its just admiration. I have influenced a lot of family and friends into having their hair loc'd too.

How do you maintain your hair?
I have a hair dresser. Bobby’s signature and Dorna Moderna in Opebi. I re-lock once a month or longer.

For those who are thinking of locing their hair but are afraid that they may be viewed negatively, what do you have to say to them?
People view you negatively for many reasons and a lot of it borders on their own insecurities. I see envy in the eyes of people and regardless of what they say, I am happy and I love my hair to bits. You must want your hair loc'd badly enough to carry your head with pride in the face of scorn. And people have come to accept locs now. It’s not as bad.

Anything else you would like to add?

My pictures say it all.