
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I don't want to relax my hair again - Interview with Mommy

We interviewed a woman who is very special to us: Our Mommy! It was a bit awkward asking her the questions and getting her responses but it was fun. Enjoy!

Natural and simple

Name? Mrs. Florence Ehigie. You call me Mommy.

Where are you from and where do you live? Edo state and I live in Lagos Nigeria.

What do you do? I sell drinks.

How long have you been natural? 3 years

At one time you had your hair relaxed. Tell us why you decided to go natural. I was getting too many sores and wounds from relaxers. I would not wash my hair for a month after retouching because I was afraid of the pain and my hair would smell badly. So I asked myself why I was going through all this wahala at my age!

How did you go natural? Did you transition or did you do the big chop? Did anyone help you or encourage you? What is "big chop"?

Omozo: It is when you cut off all your hair at once and start growing your natural hair from scratch.

Mommy: Okaaay. I cut it all off o! Big chop.

Do you have a “hair mentor” or “hair crush”? As in people that have hair you admire or like. I like you and your sisters' hair.

What’s your hair regimen? Simple

Omozo: Please explain

Mommy: Sorry. I wash my hair every morning then I put the hair spray you made for me. Rub it in well. Then I comb my hair. You see - simple.

Products you would wait in line for? Olive oil, Shea butter and of course the hair spray you made for me.

How do people react to your natural hair? Positive, or negative or just odd? You see I had very long hair - you remember? I was getting tired of relaxing and so I started to tell your Dad this. He did not want me to cut my hair. Anyway, one day I went to the barber and cut off all my hair. Your younger sister saw it first. Your Dad was not happy at all and complained a lot about it.

We went out for an event and I wore big earrings and a trouser suit. People at the event kept complimenting my hair and I think that is when he started to accept my hair. I think his problem was that I cut it short. Many people were shocked that I cut my long hair. Even me sometimes I look at the mirror and wonder if I am beautiful with this short hair.

Of course you are beautiful Mommy!

Beautiful Mommy

Comment about natural hair in your place of work. Do you feel awkward about wearing your natural hair to work? I own my own business so I have no problems in that area.

What hairstyles do you usually wear? Why? I keep my hair short. It is easy for me. Plus the heat is so much that I fear how it will be if I have long hair.

What do you like best about being natural? I don't have to relax my hair again.

What do you hate most about being natural? I think I have sensitive scalp. I always have my hand in my hair, touching my hair and picking my hair because of the curls. So my head hurts. I never touched my hair when I was relaxing it so I did not have this problem.

Mommy playing with her hair

You have HIF: Hand In Fro Syndrome Mommy. *She looks at me strangely*

Have you ever had an “Ooops!” or “OMG!” moment with your hair? Tell us about it and how you resolved it. Hmmm! One day I went to fix a weave. It was so painful because it was too tight. I was uncomfortable. I think your Dad was laughing within himself. After some time he told me to remove it and that my short hair was better. I took it off after a very short time.

Why are you still keeping your hair natural? Ah! Do you want me to relax my hair again? I don't want to relax my hair again.

What's next for you on your natural hair journey? I don't know. Maybe I will let it grow long. It is getting hotter these days so I will see how much I can handle. Otherwise, I will cut it again. Even now I feel like cutting it again.

Dancing or singing? Dancing AND singing! They go together!

Thank you Mommy!

Keep it natural!



  1. how cute! for some reason I imagined her voice while reading!

  2. I enjoyed readin dis.

  3. Osarume John-Osazuwa OgunborNovember 9, 2011 at 9:35 AM

    heey! see my BIG auntiee! She looks georgous.

  4. Nice one cuz... imagining the facial expressions ;-)

  5. Nice one...omozo...nice one...

  6. @Everyone: Thanks so much for all the kind comments. It really was a fun interview and I will count it as one of my favourite mother-daughter activities!

  7. Lovely interview with Momii

  8. Love your mom!!
    I love the honest answers she gave. lol @ how clueless she was about some natural hair terms you were using. I think this is the best interview I have read. You know why? Because I can relate to it. She sounds so Nigerian and you guys laid it out as she said it...'what is big chop?'XD 'Do you want me to relax my hair again?' lol...
    Like IAM Chanve said I could imagine her voice as I read.

  9. I know! It was cool interviewing her. She was hilarious and enthusiastic.
