
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kissing leaders showcased on Benetton's new 'UnHate' ad campaign

Benetton's sales have been declining over the past years and they have come up with this ad campaign to "JOLT" their consumers into purchasing their products. Of course they came up with an ad campaign that has people talking and some complaining. The Vatican has already issued a very very stern rebuke.

Benetton launched an "UN HATE" ad campaign which shows various world leaders kissing each other. So Barak Obama (USA) is kissing Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and a picture of the Pope kissing one of Islam's leading figures, Ahmed Mohamed el-Tayeb, the imam of the al-Azhar mosque in Egypt, was hung from a bridge near the Vatican earlier today (Wednesday).

We know that the fashion industry is prone to pushing boundaries. However, will this campaign make consumers go out and buy Benetton's products? Will the products fit the message of the ad campaign or will it make consumers 'hate' Benetton's brand? I remember the United Colours Of Benetton ad campaign  that used multiple races to showcase their innovative use of colour in their clothes. Not sure what they are trying to do here.

So I wonder: do you have to be controversial to sell your products?

Check out this Huffington Post link for the pictures. Also check out Wall Street Journal's write-up.

Keep it natural!


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