
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lagos Natural Hair Meet-Up was NAPPTASTIC!

Before I start I have to a give a loud applause to Natural Nigerian (NN), Screwyhair and Natmane. *Still clapping*

We were there!

Mommies and Babies
 The Natural Hair meet-up took place yesterday, Nov. 19, 2011 from 1:30pm - 5:30pm at The Life House (33 Sinari Daranijo St., Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria). There were definitely over a 100 people who attended. About 70 people signed the guest book. I kept looking around to see who was around. There was a time people were standing at the door because there were no more seats! It was cool. I asked NN if she expected so many people and she said "No".

Afros Galore
NN started the event by teaching us some really basic and foundational science of hair. There were so many things I did not know until yesterday. You can 'mechanically' close your hair cuticles by putting your hair in between your palms and kind of stroking your hair in a downward motion. Who knew?! Needless to say, I am better informed about my hair which means I should have healthier hair by the next meet-up. *fingers crossed*


Funky not Freaky Hairstyles

Then Screwyhair came up and spoke to us about various ingredients we can easily mix at home for our hair. Another eye-opener for me. You know those banana hair recipes? Well thanks to Screwyhair's experience *chuckling*, I need to ask for 'Ibo bananas' when I go to the market. I did not know that!

Makeovers too

Sherese Ijewere (our trained and practising resident nutrition consultant) informed us that healthy hair starts from within. Okay some of you are rolling your eyes and saying "Duh! I knew that." Well did you know that our Nigerian Abakaliki rice is mega nutritious? Yes no need to buy imported rice o! Contact Sherese (0806-875-4464) if you want more info on health and nutrition.

AFGMS Alumni representing!
Natmane came up and gave us major motivation! It was excellent. And after the pep talk, she educated us on good hair care practises and showed us how to do a style for work.

 I met some of the bloggers I follow - online celebs. They were all so gracious and I met Nibi of The Kinky Apothecary (The first one-stop kinky hair shop in Lagos). And as you can imagine everyone was checking each other's hair out and asking questions about products, regimens and, styling. I went with Ibhaze (Friday's guest blogger) and she said I was like a kid in a candy store / play pen. I totally agree Ibhaze.

Bonus! Just had to take a shot - beautiful body art

If you are thinking that you should have been there: You are right. You should have been there!

Keep it natural!



  1. Wow, looks like a great outing. Kudos to you all!

  2. awwww am sad i missed it.i so wanted to be there but no thanks to malaria i couldn't make sure looked like you girls had so much fun

  3. Its so wonderful that lovely things like this are happening! Wish I could have been there or at least be aware of something close over here. Kudos to you all!

  4. @Myne: It was fabulous and good fun. @Martha: Hope you are feeling better, and yes it was fun.

  5. Very informative meeting

  6. @Pepperz: Check out because the ladies there usually organize napp meets in various places like the UK. Or you could arrange one *wink*
