
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

O'Naturals Day Out

One Saturday, O’Naturals  took a field trip. I know people usually say that there is nothing to do in Lagos but there is plenty of stuff to do in and around Lagos. And it is especially exciting when you take the time out to be a tourist in this city. Our Dad was the tour guide and he took us to Lekki Town ( You know where the Lekki Free Trade Zone is? Yep that is Lekki Town)

We drove all the way to Lekki town past the Lekki Free Trade Zone. We stopped at a bridge just before we got to La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort. This bridge overlooks both the Atlantic Ocean and the Lagoon. The Lagoon and the Ocean look like they are almost touching.

After that we went to La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.  The resort offers accommodation and lots of interesting and fun activities. If you don’t want to stay at the resort, you can definitely do a day trip. The gate fee is NGN2500 for adults and NGN1000 for children. With that gate fee you get access to the pool and games.  You can have your lunch there or you can bring your own lunch. Check out the website here

The reception area of La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort

After La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, we drove to the Awolowo Institute of Government and Public Policy (which also houses the Obafemi Awolowo Museum) . This is the place where Awolowo was incarcerated and it has now been turned into an institute and museum.

 The reception area of the institute

Before Awolowo was incarcerated here, it was the home of a Portuguese man called Lecoi who eventually died there. Lecoi used to process salt in this place. There is a rich history here and you can take a guided tour of the place for a small fee.

Omozo looking sad while seated at the tomb of Mr Lecoi

Beautiful Environment

Lekki Town is an interesting place to visit and you can do the trip in a day, which we did. But it was tiring because of the Lagos traffic. Here’s what I suggest. Why not make this trip a weekend get away.  You can drive to La Campagne Tropicana and do all the fun activities they have to offer. Then go off to the Institute for a tour of the Awolowo museum. Then drive back to La Campagne and enjoy the rest of the night by the beach. If La Campagne’s prices are a little too much for you then try the Eko Tourist Beach Resort.  Granted the resort may not be as swanky as La Campagne but they have a nice beach as well and good accommodation. I’ve stayed here before and I enjoyed my stay. My dad also says that their food is nice. This was also the location where much of the last AMBO Movie, Alero’s Symphony was filmed.

Now before you leave Lekki Town you should consider buying some dried fish to take back home with you. I did and they were so goooooddd.


  1. Beautiful need to take this to another level...who knows you just might be the next new york times best writer....

  2. Thanks Yomi! Would love to take credit for this post but I cannot. It was written by Oghomwen Adeyinka-Edward who is actually a professional writer! You are right: it is time to take it to the next level. Thanks for supporting us, we appreciate it.

  3. Nice...I'm noting these places so you can take me there when I come to Naija

  4. Noted Ola Yinka! *Going away to prepare your room*

  5. Mujibat Momodu-IloriNovember 2, 2011 at 8:23 AM

    nice post. Pls leave some enjoyment for me. More of this kind of post!!!

  6. Thank you for the feedback Mujibat. Expect more of these types of posts.

  7. Fabulous blog!
    Coment on :)
