
Friday, December 9, 2011

Body scrubs and soaps made in Nigeria

There are many teasures in Nigeria. I think the hair and body care tips and regimens used by people all over the country can be counted as treasures. There is a gap when it comes to cataloguing these things and so effective ingredients and beauty tips are being lost.

Natural Nigerian (NN) caught up with a young woman who commercially manufactures skin care products using Nigerian grown ingredients and recipes. NN met Maryam formally at the natural hair meet-up. Maryam recently launched a line of skin care products called Nature Zone. Check out the link below for NN's interview of Maryam (interview here). I have already emailed Maryam to order some products to try for myself.

Maryam is also the sister of "Stella" who was interviewed by Ibhaze for our Nigeria Fashion Show blog post (read it here). Both women have long natural hair. Hmmm ... Maryam may have to look into selling the products they use for their hair. I would buy it!

Keep it natural!


1 comment:

  1. Hello....please how can Maryam be reached??
