
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh, Baby! An Interview with J'odie

How long have you had your hair natural?
~I don't have accurate records as to exactly how long I've been natural, because at the time, it was an emotional decision of "out with the old and in with the new"...but I think it should be about three years now. Plus, this is the second, but permanent kinky journey I'm going through. I went kinky around 2005, jerhi curls in 2007 and back to kinky after a while! I turned back to jerhi curls, because I didn't know how to care for my kinky hair (as I do now) and because someone told me my hair would bounce back to being kinky once I stopped...that's a lie!!! I had to cut my hair and start afresh!

Who or what inspired you to go natural?
~ I believe it was a soul search. I was in Unilag then, and no one around me, apart from certain religious sects (which I wasn't part of) had their original natural hair. Everyone in my family that I knew permed their hair, fixed weave-on, no one influenced me or dropped the idea, so it really was from "within". Here are some questions I was trying to answer: Do I have to perm my hair to be termed "beautiful"? Is something wrong with African hair? If nothing is wrong with it, why does it seem we are being programmed to change the texture? If something is wrong with it, nature/God must have made a major error, but I doubt - is there something we are missing? What are we missing here? How can I find out?..... So, one of the ways I chose to find out was to go on a kinky pilgrim.
Here I am...each phase, making discoveries. It's been interesting, yet I believe I haven't even started yet!

What inspired the song, Kuchi Kuchi(Oh Baby)?
~ After my producer laid a zouk beat, on one of our sessions, he gave me to write a love song or something. He wanted us to try a different procedure and style, because we had been working, from other angles. For about a month, I couldn't write to it, because I wasn't in love :) I actually write best when I "feel" what I'm writing about. Love for one's baby was the only kind I could relate with, even tho I'm not a mother yet. But God just did it for me! It all starts, flows and ends with God! So, inspiration for the love of one's baby came at about 2am one morning and for that period, I almost could see through the eyes of a mother. The picture will be clearer when I become one.

I really like your music video for the song Kuchi kuchi (Oh Baby).
~ Oh, thank you ;)

I noticed that even your singers in the video are wearing traditionally inspired hairstyles (thread). What inspired that video?
~ I don't take credit for that one... My video director actually thought that up. At the time I even did the video, there were so many challenges, I couldn't even think. Didn't even think I would have a video then. Didn't think it was possible. God!!!

What type of freedom has natural hair given you?
~ though I'm still searching, natural hair has given me the freedom to be more innovative and expressive in the most organic way. Like I said, it's not just a surface thing - that is "hair style" in itself. I believe there's an energy behind it. I used to care too much for my own good. Now, I still care, but I'm more at ease. Apart from some basic privileges of not having to buy expensive hair extensions, or going under the heat (at the salon); I've come to realise that I'm more in touch with my Africanness.

What do you enjoy most about being natural?
~ Uniqueness! It's strange how "fellow Africans" say " this your hair? It's lovely!!" And I'm like "thank you, but you'd have something like this if you don't perm"

Do you feel like your natural hair makes you stand out in the entertainment industry?
~ it sure does. How many females in the entertainment terrain can dare not-fixing? It may look "ordinary", but it takes guts!

What is your hair regimen?
~nothing yet so special.
I wash with a hair conditioner (just a normal conditioner - not the expensive type)
Dab my hair, then apply a little leave-in conditioner, some coconut oil and castor oil - I do all these while it's damp.
I comb my hair damp, as well - it's softer.
I usually pack in a bun, or pin it up or plait "calabar"...
When I want to give it a break, and one should, I either make a wool-inspired style or really chunky braids to avoid breakage.
I have a fanpage on facebook (I Love My Kinky Hair) with some pictures, as well as hair care systems.

Do you have a hairdresser or do you do it yourself?
~I know how to style my hair. I only employ the services of a professional when it's something I can't do.

What are the hair products you cannot live without?
~ I can live without all of them :)
Honestly, haven't found that "magic product" yet...maybe it's out there though!
The most important things to my hair, right now, aren't hair products (company-made - if that's what you mean), they are natural substances. Like I said, I use coconut oil, sometimes, shear butter. I don't have a particular conditioner that I can't do without. If one isn't available, I buy another that I can use to wash my hair - instead of a shampoo, which is said to be harsher on kinky hair.

What are some of the projects you are working on right now?
~working on new songs that I believe are from my soul. The album isn't coming right now, because I'm not satisfied with the present result, meanwhile, will be releasing more singles, God being my strength!
U can check on progress from time to time on

What can we expect to see from you in the near future?   
~ expect evergreen music...
Also expect more accurate kinky hair care systems that will make kinky more manageable than even perms. Nothing is Impossible!


  1. Great interview Omoze!
    I love your music J'odie! Plus your hair is beautiful. When harmattan passes I'm most definitely going to rock that style in the first pic.

  2. That first hair is amazing! Great interview. Really good read

    Muse Origins
    Muse Origins FB

  3. @Natmane: Cannot take credit for this one. It is Oghomwen who did the interview.
    @Muse Origins: Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the first style is FIERCE (winking at Natmane). I think she looks like Mary J. Blige in the afro pix.
