
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hair Conditioner Claims: Should you take them seriously?

This article was taken from Jc at Natural Haven and she addresses the formulation question: why do products within a brand have similar ingredients but claim to do different things?

She uses Herbal Essence products as examples and breaks it down well. She concludes by writing "In short, ingredients only tell you part of the story. The second part is the claim and the third and most important part is the actual test. Read the ingredients, read the claim and above all, TEST the product."

Read full article here.

I know we are not all scientists however, it is important to educate oneself and be better informed. When you are better informed, you make better choices.

Keep it natural!


1 comment:

  1. I would say this is so true. However I enhance any conditioner I use. But I am an Aubrey conditioner girl even I have to enhance that b4 I use it. A lot of naturals try new products. I basically have found what works for my hair and sorry I would not try any new product expect it is made in my kitchen.
