
Sunday, February 26, 2012

... but this is a twist-out

I posted yesterday that I got wavy twists that people thought was a twist-out but it wasn't. Check out the blog post here.

This is not a twist-out. Wavy twists.

 Anyway, I finally took out the tiny twists and got a really really nicely defined twist-out. I think that is the nicest twist-out I have had in a long time. I liked it so much that I slept face-down for 2 days to maintain it! The camera does not capture the definition well.

This is a twist-out
The back of the twist-out

Trust me. You would not be smiling if you have not slept properly for 2 days!

By day 3 I had lost most of the definition so I accessorized a bit to jazz it up some more. It was fun though while it lasted.
Last day of the twist-out. Very little definition left.

Keep it natural!



  1. Looks great. Do you do your own twists?

  2. My word...ROFL! You slept face down? Beauty being pain. Your hair is really full.

  3. @Myne: Yes I do my own twists. Awesome 'me' time! ;>)

  4. @NN: Yes o! I decided to sleep face down after considering various other options. See wahala! *SMH*
