
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fly Hair At Uncle's Birthday

On the first day of January we celebrate a dear Uncle's birthday. And this year was no different. Uncle kept it small, having only close family present. As usual, it was a fun time with lots of laughs and loudness. You gotta love family!

Here are pictures of my cousin, Eki (who is Uncle's daughter), and I representing family of the natural haired disposition! We interviewed Eki here and she is one half of the blog Ore meji. See more pictures of the lunch on Eki's blog, ore meji. I had my hair in a Bantu knot twist out and then pinned in the side and part of the front. Eki had her hair in a puff and 2 big braids in front. Sweetness!

L-R: Ebele, Eki and I

Keep it natural!



  1. nice now i want my hair to grow real fast

  2. Damn Eki's Bun!!!!!!.

    Can she do a tutorial on that hairstyle?

