
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mommies and Babies all Week - So Join us!


First, we will say a big THANK YOU to the ladies who participated by allowing us to interview them for this series. THANK YOU! Thank you for honouring our request.

We have been collecting interviews from some Mothers who have decided to keep their daughter's hair natural and relaxer free. It has been exciting and eye-opening. Not all the mothers interviewed have natural hair so that was interesting! Getting their responses was like opening a box of chocolates: we didn't know what we were going to get! (Thanks Forrest Gump).

Cabella sent in a poem when she heard we would be running this series so check out the next post too!

The first interview will run tomorrow (Monday). We hope that you are inspired and encouraged by these women and their beautiful daughters. And we also hope you get some helpful tips. We enjoyed it and we hope you do too. As the French say a demain (until tomorrow).

Keep it natural!


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