
Sunday, October 14, 2012

African Naturalistas Hair Product Swap Forum

African Naturalistas started a Hair Product Swap Forum. A lot of ladies that are passionate about hair have unintentionally become product junkies. Sometimes we hold on to products we are not really fond of, possibly because we do not want to throw them away. We believe this product swap forum will benefit a lot of ladies.

So think, how many bottles of conditioner do you have that you used only once? How about that "miracle" hair cream you bought that made your hair hard? At this forum, you can put up these products and other ladies can pick them from you and try the products for themselves. And you can do the same with the products that other ladies put up. Why bother with this? Because you might have a product that does not work for you but works for someone else or otherwise. Get the drift?

So take a look at your product cabinet or box and pull out the products that you want to swap or give away and click this African Naturalistas Hair Product Swap Forum link and do the needful.

Keep it natural!


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