

The hair tips, advice and recommendations given on this blog are given based on the experiences of the authors. These tips may not work for everyone and every hair type and it is important to acknowledge this since we are neither hair specialists nor trichologists.

Also many pictures on this blog belong to the authors but there are others that we do not have ownership for and thus we do not claim ownership of the ones that do not belong to us.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Omozo of O'Naturals featured in AIT report on natural hair in Nigeria.

Natural hair in Nigeria is getting some "screen time" in Nigeria. Check out the report aired last Saturday (August 3, 2013) on AIT in Nigeria. The clip with Natural Nigerian and I was recorded at the last Naturals in the city (NITC 6) and I had just finished talking on how to select a hairstyle. Oh did you see African Naturalistas' products? And Natmane who styles hair in Abuja is in the report too. The momentum can only get better and it will!

Yeah they got my last name wrong! And why was I speaking so fast?


Keep it natural!



Prof Mom said...

Way to go babes!!! Two fantastic thumbs up for natural hair.

Prof Mom said...

Way to go babes!!! Two fantastic thumbs up for natural hair.

Omozo said...

*CHEESING* Thank you!

Giáo trình - Đề Thi said...

Very good!

Ore said...

Great interview and overall a good piece on the natural hair movement in Nigeria.

What salon does the natural hair stylist featured in the clip work at?

anevisa said...

Nice. Really nice!!! And you weren't speaking too fast. Spoke like someone who knows and loves what she's talking about.

Folarin said...

Aww...nice one..keep it up o!

houseofemeralds said...

Hello Omozo.

I just watched you style Sika's natural hair on studio 53 and I was awed by it.

I have had my natural hair for over 16 16months now and my major challenge is styling , so I tend to wear a lot of braids, weaves,and wigs.

pls confirm if o naturals is any where on the island.

damilola balogun said...

Lovely, I pray people will begin to buy into d idea of carrying their natural hair. When I decided to go natural dey attributed it to religion but dat didnt deter me. I went ahead