
Friday, July 29, 2011


The first O’Naturals Natural Hair Hook-Up took place on Saturday July 23, 2011 in Lagos Nigeria. It was excellent fun! The ladies who came were all excited and eager to share their experiences and learn from one another. Big ‘thumbs up’ to all who came out. They left with goodies for their beautiful tresses. Two lucky ladies received some hair products from the Miss Jessie’s line of hair products.

We played an ice-breaker game during the event that got us clapping and laughing. Each person was to complete the sentence “My hair is …” Here are some memorable responses.

“My hair is … better now because I cut off the split ends”

“My hair is … wishing I knew how to do corn rows so that I could do it myself” She had lovely tiny braids done by someone else.

“My hair is fake right now because I am stumped!” She had braids with extensions.

“My hair is … now just the way I want it to be” This one got major applause.

How about you? Complete the sentence “My hair is …”

We will be giving away some hair goodies to some lucky ladies who send in their responses. Please, please keep your responses to no more than 15 words. Please send your responses to Include your name, email address and phone number.We will contact selected winners and share their responses on the blog.

Make sure you join us for the next hair hook-up event. Till then …

Keep it natural!


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