
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Welcome Cabella Hermoso


Hope you are having a fab week with life and of course your natural hair ;)

We are introducing a guest blogger to O'Naturals. Her name is Cabella Hermoso. She is natural, lives in Lagos Nigeria and ... I'll let you hear from her. Her responses are in brown.

Hi Cabella. Welcome to O'Naturals!

Thank you. I am glad to be joining you ladies.

Aww ... thanks. So tell us a little about you.

My name is Cabella Hermoso. The C in my name is pronounced with a K sound. I live in Lagos Nigeria. I am the second girl (and child) in a family of 3 children. I am a consultant in effective leadership. Whatever that means! I enjoy reading and traveling but I never do enough of both. I do more sleeping ...

How long have you been natural?

Let me count ... for 12 years. Wow! I did not realize it has been that long.

So why did you go natural?

Somebody at my university dared me. I was working at the library and had my permed hair cut into a bob. I did not like the cut at all and complained. So I guess he was tired of my whining and said "If you hate your hair that bad then I dare you to shave it off!" I came in the next day with a shaved head. In hindsight, he did not really dare me to go natural just to shave my hair off and I guess that was the trigger. As my hair grew, I auditioned for a part in a play at uni. The director offered me a different part (the leading role) because my "tight curls" were perfect for the character. I thought "For real? I can get things because of my natural hair?" So I kept my hair natural ever since.

What role was it?

Annie. Ha! Ha!

Do you still get things because of your naturally tight curls?

Not really. Sad. But I am okay with it now. (Smiling)

What are you going to be writing about?

You know it is nothing deep like that. I will be gisting the readers about my life, especially in Lagos and Nigeria, as it relates to my hair. That's mostly what it will be.

Okay, the truth is that you have told me about some outrageous experiences and that is why I asked you to consider writing for the blog.

Yeah, you are right. Like the time the woman in the store bought me TCB relaxer and ran out to give it to me in the parking lot! I was like "See me see nonsence!" She did not say a thing. She gave me the relaxer and looked at me somehow and went back into the store.

*Laughing* What did you do?

I went back into the store, told the cashier that the purchase was a mistake, got the refund, went to Mr. Biggs and gave the rest of the money to someone who needed it more than me!

How do you usually wear your hair?

You see sometimes, I think it is the way I wear my hair that is the wahala. I mostly wear some variation of an afro. A twist-out afro, a braid-out afro, an afro afro, a "this is not supposed to be an afro" afro.

So maybe you stand out?

Maybe? Don't you stand out when you go places with your natural hair?

I guess ... How often will you be blogging here?

You have graciously given me the weekend slot. That means I will be here weekly. And I appreciate the opportunity and swear on my big afro not to let you down.

There you have it. We hope that Cabella's contribution will be enjoyable to our readers. Be sure to send in your comments to her posts. Feel free to email her with suggestions at:

You can also follow her on her twitter account: cabella726. Happy reading friends and

Keep it natural!



  1. As I read Cabella's reponses, I know I will enjoy reading her posts. Cabella, your TCB story cracked me up! Please share a picture of your fro. Happy blogging :)

  2. I can't wait for more of your posts. Your story about the keke made my day. Too funny

  3. Your interview is enough to sign me on as a follower!
    I wish I had someone buy me relaxer, that's worth a nice meal at KFC at least!
