
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Showercap Wednesday

This morning started out differently than planned. I had conditioned my hair with Coconut Oil the night before because I was going to wash my hair this morning and style it. Alas, I was running late and had time to only wash and condition my hair. *cue Mission Impossible theme song* My mission, which I accepted, was to somehow fix up my hair in 5 minutes, in an agreeable manner, for the whole day until evening when I would twist it.

What's a Napp to do? 

In deep thought

I did not want to leave my hair out because it was going to be a H-O-T day in Las Gidi and I did not want to dry out my hair. (Yes I check the weather forecast once in a while before leaving my house). I thought hard. 2 minutes remaining! Eeeek! I grabbed a shower cap, put some home made hair butter mix on my hair, put the shower cap over my head and wrapped my WHOLE head with my head wrap and ran out of the house!

"Oh God please don't let this head wrap fall off. Oh God please I am begging you!" was my prayer all day. I hugged people with caution keeping my head a small distance from theirs so that they would not hear the noise of the shower cap crinkling under my head wrap. No scratching my head till I got home men!

Thanks to Natmane for showing us how to tie a head wrap at the last Naturals in the City

I returned home successfully with no hair malfunction and my hair was nice and damp when I removed my head wrap and shower cap. Now to twist my hair because 2 days of this would just be irresponsible!

Mission Accomplished!

Keep it natural!



  1. Hahahaha....this was a good read. U know your natural when.....

  2. Lol, this was a good, I can never pull this off in Lagos, with the heat.Wondering how you did it for a whole day, respect

  3. Its the pictures I think I loved best on the post. That's why I'm so glad I've got dreadlocks,my life is so easy!. take care honey, we should talk

  4. @Emprezz: Use style with caution! LOL

    @Miss Jay: You know you are natural when you use a shower cap and head wrap at the same time! *wink*

    @Anonymous: And that day was hot too. Stayed in doors mostly.

    @Obi: Thanks!

    @Pepperz: Hmmm ... I know you secretly want to try it even with your locs! *mischievous chuckle*

  5. Lool. So, I am guessing you didn't go to work, even though it was a wednesday.

  6. I worked but not that kind of work *wink*

  7. I love that first picture! That's me, many a day lol. I need to get a turban then learn how to tie it. Meanwhile, I've been enjoying the foam curlers to bits!!

  8. @Bass: Get the turban (make sure it is satin or silk) and we'll teach you how to tie it. Please send pictures of the foam curlers so we can do a blog post on them. You cannot hide now that the request is public! LOL.

  9. I would love to see a tutorial on how to tie one
