
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Genevieve Magazine highlights Natural Hair - April 2012

Remember we mentioned that Genevieve Magazine attended the last Naturals in the City 2? The write-up is in this month's edition along with some pictures. Pick up your copy now and check out our smiling and happy faces!

Yes o! The option to keep our hair natural and wear it in its natural state is getting more attention. Sometimes negatively (remember Sister Lady here?) and sometimes positively. Kudos to Genevieve Magazine for catching the vision and highlighting it.

Women are tired of the pain of the relaxers and its damaging effects. Although we still have a long way to go, keeping natural hair as is will soon be the norm - I believe that. Till then, here is to being natural and to a revolution that is not being televised.

Keep it natural!



  1. Yay Omo it's great to see you fighting for our naturals. We like it that way and kudos to you all who have kept it shining.



  2. Nice. I had to struggle to see myself. lol
