

The hair tips, advice and recommendations given on this blog are given based on the experiences of the authors. These tips may not work for everyone and every hair type and it is important to acknowledge this since we are neither hair specialists nor trichologists.

Also many pictures on this blog belong to the authors but there are others that we do not have ownership for and thus we do not claim ownership of the ones that do not belong to us.

Monday, December 31, 2012


To all our followers and supporters we humbly say a heartfelt "THANK YOU". Honestly we could not have gone through 2012 without you. I know it sounds cliche but it is true. This is the end of another year and it had its share of positives and negatives. But you know what? We made it! And for that we are thankful.

We pray that the year 2013 will be better than 2012 for all of you and for us. Better hair care, better hair growth, better health, better relationships, better careers, better character, better bank account. A better year all around!

So have a joyful, prosperous, goal accomplishing, healthy, loving and lovely  new year!

Keep it natural!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Funmi Iyanda's TWA at 2012 Ovation Red Carol

Funmi Iyanda did the big chop a while ago and it is cool to see her rock her TWA at a red carpet event. Natural hair is not so "out of place" these days. It is great to see some of our celebrities embracing their natural hair. And who can forget Nse at the 2012 AMAA Awards?


 Keep it natural!


Friday, December 21, 2012

4 Reasons NOT to Trim Your Hair - Courtesy Jc

Would you believe you would ever hear this? Trimming is an important technique used to get rid of split ends and those stubborn knots you can not detangle with your fingers. Jc of The Natural Haven explains on BGLH why there are times you should not trim your hair.

In summarry you should not trim your hair if:

1. You trimmed it last week

2. You notice one side is longer than the other

3. Your ends appear thin/ see through but you regularly do search and destroy trims

4. Your ends are dry or do not curl like they used to but you cannot see split ends

What say you?

Keep it natural!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hair Rant - Cabella

We have to deal with so many mis-informed stereotypes and misconceptions.

Why is it that you automatically start talking about messy, unkempt, dirty hair when we are talking about natural hair? As if relaxed hair cannot be messy, unkempt, or dirty. Why do we natural haired women have to defend our choice to wear our hair in its natural form? How did we get to the point where natural hair, worn in its natural form, is considered unacceptable? Shouldn't the question be 'why are you relaxing your hair?' NOT 'why don't you relax your hair?'

Oh how about in the work place?! Why is it that no one challenges a woman when she wears a fake afro, a fake twist out, fake locs or a fake afro puff but when I wear exactly those hairstyles on my natural hair you start to talk arrant rubbish?! Yes it is rubbish! Ah and when the 'half caste' woman walks in with her natural hair as is, all of you start cooing about how lovely her hair is. *insert long hiss here!*

Source: Memegenerator
 Natural haired women talk about "taming" their hair for the workplace yet one woman walks in with a long , big and straight weave and that is okay. No taming is required there abi? Come on people!

It is so messed up! The worst of all of this is that people see nothing wrong with it. And they will sit down, stand up in their self righteous tone and 'explain' why straight hair is better or why BLACK natural hair is not.

Source: The Angry Black Woman

You see the issue is not the hairstyle. The issue is that I am styling my natural hair in its naturalness. Like I said above, if I go to the office with a fake twist out I will get compliments and be asked where I got the fake hair from. Enter me another day with my natural hair in a twist out and as soon as they know it is my natural hair, I will start getting useless and unsolicited advise from people. The message is HIDE your natural hair and all will be right with the world. *insert an even longer hiss!*

Why is MY natural hair YOUR business? Mind your own business and leave my hair alone!

If people heard that I was not hiring people because they wear weaves will there not be an outcry? Yet folks think it is okay not to hire or promote a woman because she is wearing her natural hair in its natural form. No be one kind madness be this?

Imagine a dark skinned person being told to "lighten" up for clients. Or a tall person being told to "shorten" down for their job. How about someone with light brown eyes being told to "darken" those eyes to look more professional? The point is, those attributes are natural and why should they be changed whether permanently or temporarily?

What is vexing is that I am constantly being 'advised' to PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY ALTER THE TEXTURE of my hair. Like permanently alter your skin colour. My hair is coily, kinky, nappy, natural - whatever you want to call it. That is the texture and I ain't changing it!

*dropping mic and kicking soap box*


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

5 Warning Signs of Bad Natural Hair Products

We always wonder what products will work those miracles we hear other natural haired women talk about. One tells you that she started using product a and all the frizz is gone. Another tells you that she started using product Q and now her hair is suuuuuper sooooft. *SIGH* There are no miracle products o!

However, there are some tips you can follow to keep you from buying products that will do more harm to your hair than good. Thanks to JC of Natural Haven, we have some tips here. Check out BGLH for details. So products to avoid include:

1. Any water based conditioner which does not list water as the first ingredient

2. Any product with fragrance in the first five ingredients

3. Any shampoo which does not contain an oil or silicone

4. Any product which is not a leave-in and contains mineral oil in the first five ingredients

5. Any product with an ingredient list that is missing or incomplete or too short

So what do you avoid when buying your hair products?

Keep it natural!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Capital Naturals 1 in Abuja Nigeria - Pictures

Here are some pictures for those of us who could not be in Abuja for the first ever Capital Naturals 1. Check out Deepbrown Kinks for more. Enjoy!

Courtesy Deepbrown Kinks

Courtsey Deepbrown Kinks

Keep it natural!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Take Out Your Locs - Courtesy Z of LITK

So I never believed you could take out your locs until I saw this post by Z of LITK. Z took out her locs and returned "Poofy" to the fro! At first I screamed "WHYYYYYYYY!" But then I was intrigued. I saw her with locs and then with the locs picked out. Unfortunately there is no video on how she picked out the locs. However, it is great to know that it can be done and you do not have to cut your hair. Check out the post here and see what her hair looked like after she took out the locs.

Here is the video ofZ talking about taking out her locs.

Here is a You Tube video showing you how to take out your locs. Lots of work but worth it.

Keep it natural!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

NITC4 - Pictures


Check out some pictures from NITC4 (LAGOS). You can also go to Natural Nigerian, Love, Ifeanyiwa for more pictures.

Share pictures and stories with us if you attended.

NITC 4: Courtesy

NITC 4: Courtesy

Keep it natural!
